Wortley Road is a school that promotes responsibility, respect, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. The purpose of this code of conduct is to establish and maintain a safe and comfortable atmosphere in the school, on the playground, and at all school-sponsored events. All students, parents and staff have the right to be safe and feel safe in their school community. We begin with the premise that each individual in the school is responsible for his/her own behaviour and that progressive discipline is a shared responsibility of school staff and parents/guardians. Our ultimate goal is to assist each student to develop the self-discipline needed to monitor his/her own behaviour so that intervention by adults becomes necessary less often.
Bullying (Ministry of Education Definition)
Bullying is typically a form of repeated, persistent, and aggressive behaviour directed at an individual or individuals that is intended to cause (or should be known to cause) fear and distress and/or harm to another person’s body, feelings, self-esteem, or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is real or perceived power imbalance. Please report any concerns about a bullying incident to the school by contacting your child’s teacher or the principal or by reporting to the Anonymous online reporting option located on the Wortley Road website. The school can be contacted by calling 519-452-8720.
Cell Phone Use
All members of the school community must:
Respect the need of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching, including by ensuring that cell phones and other personal mobile devices are used only during instructional time (as directed by an educator), for health and medical purposes and/or to support special education needs.